now this question is the deal-breaker, i've even skipped number twenty-five because this question is so intense. (i've also skipped number twenty-five not only to see if you are paying attention, but also because i couldn't think of anything to say for it, since it was so intense.) we'll break them into categories.
small pets:
are easy to deal with. the most difficult thing about these though, is that i think i would forget to feed them, because they're not animals that will tell their owner if they need something. like fish, or hamsters, or a hedgehog even. plus, their cages/tanks are annoying to clean. although their cute-factor is definitely high on the charts and these kinds of animals would be most appealing, i get worried.
i'm allergic to. but adrienne loves them. i'm not too fond of them. she seems to think they can be trained to be nice... but she forgets that when she's not around, no matter how nice it is, i'm going to kick it. it's like i'm built that way, i can't help it. i love to kick cats. i couldn't clean up after them either too, cuz i get really nauseated.
are great as long as they don't shed, or don't shed much. dogs are a loyal companion, and i love the idea of dogs... however, the practice is always difficult. i couldn't go on vacation and leave a dog at home unattended the same way i could potentially leave a cat. they're a bit higher maintenance, and they need to be walked every day. but i think overall, a dog wins out over the other two, at least in my mind. although, i'm predicting we'll end up with a cat.
on dogs:
you need to get a piecooosh.
he doesnt kick cats.
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